In October 2017, The Under 17 World Cup starts in India. As the host nation, India gets an automatic entry into the tournament. This is also the first time India will be playing at a FIFA world cup event.
Nike, the official team kit sponsor needed to showcase not only their athletes but also fuel the football movement in India.
The hurdle
The under 17 Indian football team doesn't excite the 'Indian All Day Baller'.
The task
To fuel this football movement by giving it a fresh and inspiring local voice.
Leverage the World Cup to position the new national team kit as the symbol of this bold and free spirit of athletes.
The mission to change the imagery of sport in India continued with the NikeID campaign. It featured a surprising group of people with compelling stories about how sport helped them in life.
After running operations for 50 years, The Oberoi, New Delhi, closed its doors for a big overhaul. These were the announcements for both, the closing and the subsequent reopening.
Delhi Oberoi closing ad
Delhi launch ad
The campaign for the Italian restaurant in The Oberoi, New Delhi, that introduced their new chef.
A pocket-sized booklet that served as literature on three new properties opened by The Oberoi Hotels.
Most luxury advertising is stuffy and riddled with meaningless adjectives. The work for The Oberoi is designed to steer clear of precisely such traps. The redesign and new direction coincided with the launch of The Oberoi Gurgaon in 2011 and the brand has since gone about a quiet transformation to become a crisp, modern hospitality brand